How Long Does It Take to Complete a Home Appraisal? | Less than 24 hours | 14% | 1-2 days | 14% | 3-4 days | 14% | 5-7 days | 50% | Not sure | 7% | | | Question: How Long Does It Take to Complete a Home Appraisal? Top Answer (50% of 14 votes): 5-7 days.
Answer: 3-4 days Explanation: It depends on the complexity of the assignment. Many times, a residential report can be completed within 3 days; however, commercial reports take longer, typically 10 days. | Accurate Appraisals USA | Answer: 5-7 days Explanation: 5-7 DAYS USUALLY WITH UNCOMPLICATED CASES AFTER I AM ABLE TO MAKE PHYSICAL INSPECTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. | SAVVY REALTY & APPRAISALS | Answer: 5-7 days Explanation: Many home appraisals can be completed in 1-4 days, however in general a home appraisal takes about 5-7 days to complete. | Robin Standard Louisiana Home Appraiser | | ProMatcher | Answer: 3-4 days Explanation: It depends on the complexity of the project. | CA Real Estate Services | Answer: 5-7 days Explanation: We can typically schedule a property visit within a couple days of being engaged. Once inspected, it takes a couple of days after that to do our research and complete the report. Once completed, the report is emailed to the client. | V.A. Solano & Associates, Inc. | Answer: Not sure Explanation: It depends on the complexity of the property, the definition of the neighborhood and the availability of suitable comparable properties. | Fast Appraisals |