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Researching the sale price of homes comparable to your own (comps) is a good way to get a rough idea of your home's current value.

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Question: Researching the sale price of homes comparable to your own (comps) is a good way to get a rough idea of your home's current value.
Top Answer (90% of 241 votes): True.

Answer: True
Explanation: At Austin's Finest in Cleaning Solutions LLC, our billing philosophy is centered on transparency, fairness, and flexibility to meet the unique needs of our clients. We believe in providing clear, upfront pricing with no hidden fees, ensuring that our customers understand exactly what they are paying for.
Austin's Finest In Cleaning Solutions LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: As a Realtor, we have access to the data through our multi-list service who collects the information on sold homes and is up to date on what the current home market is doing and what buyers are asking for. Having 25 years of experience in my field makes me the expert.
Answer: True
Explanation: Comps (comparative market analysis) reflect what buyers are actually willing to pay for similar properties in your area. This insight helps you price your property competitively, ensuring it stands out in the market. As a seller, comps enable you to set a price that attracts potential buyers while maximizing your property's value, offering a solid foundation for negotiations. For buyers, comps are essential for determining a fair offer price and provide crucial justification during negotiations. By leveraging comps, you gain a more accurate and nuanced understanding of your home's value, based on real market activity, empowering you to make smarter decisions.
First American Appraisers Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: Based on current comps, similar square footage, lot size, location, and general overall condition of the subject property.
AET Group Global
Answer: True
Answer: False
Explanation: Zillow is not an appraisal service. There is a lot of time and expertise involved in appraising a property. This cannot be done by searching home sales online.
Wulf Appraisal Corp
Answer: True
Explanation: Real Estate professionals in most cases are knowledgeable enough to price a listing, however it is always noted that the primary duty for any Realtor is to sell your property (as it should be). My Opinion of Market Value is based on myriad of factors typically looked at and researched by my peers and has no sales "pitch" or any further motivation except provided a credible report based on factual data.
Answer: False
Explanation: An accurate assessment of the value of your home needs to be done by a real estate professional. The agent needs to preview your home and see its amenities, condition and location. Just looking at comparables will not guarantee an accurate price. If you rely on an internet value i.e. Zillow, Trulia just to name a few - those values may be skewed.
Diane J. Malagreca
Answer: True
Explanation: When I work with you, I provide you with a Comparative Market Anaylsis to aide in selecting a competitive listing price so your home has the best opportunity to sell in timeline you need, while getting you the best price.
Roberts Brothers Inc
Answer: True
Explanation: The key word here is "rough". All appraisers arrive at a general (but narrowed) value range of a property being appraised prior to narrowing down that range most typically to a single value. This is where the appraiser excels and showcases not only their methodology but their experience and expertise in the property being appraised. Often, what a homeowner will consider as "comparable" may not be comparable at all. An experienced appraiser will be more informed with what characteristics and variable impact the value of a given property. What might otherwise appear similar to a homeowner who is not a real estate professional could be considered incomparable by a real estate appraiser. It is the appraiser's job to clearly explain the reasoning behind the comparable selection process, the factors that impact value, the adjustments employed in the appraisal, and the rational and/or support behind all these processes.
Detailed Analysis, Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: In as little as a week, we'll assess your property's worth and provide you with an accurate appraisal. But wait, need it even faster? Just let us know and we'll make it happen. Your satisfaction is our top priority and we're here to accommodate your needs.
Real Estate home appraisals
Answer: True
Explanation: True, but active homes are less reliable than ones that have sold.
Metro Appraisers LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Just a rough idea. Like a real estate agent would do. The appraiser does an analysis and there is much more that goes into it. The pass and present trends along with economic factors that help to determine value. A complete picture.
RU Appraisals,LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: One of the three methods for determining value is the sales comparison approach. The other two approaches being the income approach, which is seldom used for single family homes, and the cost approach. New homes and non conforming properties will use the cost approach. As it is the sum of land value and the depreciated cost of the improvements. When dealing with single family though the sales approach is the one used 99.9% of the time. Once these comparables have been isolated the appraiser will make adjustments accordingly. These adjustments will be for differences in market conditions, size, quality, condition, site area, location, view, and any additional features both internal or external to the subject property that the appraiser determines has an impact on value. Once adjustments have been applied, the appraiser will utilized those end results in coming up with their opinion of value.
Francis T Webster Appraisal Partners LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Finding accurate comparables can be a difficult process but our thorough and detailed appraisal process leaves you confident in the assessment of your property.
Terry Walker II LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: However, many property owners are unfamiliar with all the nuances involved with what is, and is not, a comparable property. There are many elements of comparison that are not readily apparent and could result in a misunderstanding as to the value of your property. Looking at other homes is always part of the process. However, if you want a true assessment of the market value of a piece of real estate you own, I suggest that you engage a licensed real estate appraiser.
Trusted Appraisers Group (NC, SC, GA, TN, VA, NY, MD, PA, KY)
Answer: True
Explanation: The Market really drives the sale of homes. We are unique here in SWFL, in our non-Gated communities, all of the homes are custom so understanding their uniqueness is vital to accurately valuing a property.
Premiere Plus Realty Co
Answer: True
Explanation: Most people are tech savvy and typically know the home value before an agent comes out to meet them. Their is so much information on the internet today for them to have a rough idea.
Remax Platinum
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes you need to look at comps. Use (I Comps . Com) It's free fast accurate and there's no sign up just leave out the spaces!
A+ Realty and Construction LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Zillow or Trulia can produce a rough idea of your homes value. But if you need an appraisal for a specific purpose, there is no other way to have proper backup. Emailed PDF or in Black & White on paper.
Finite Solutions Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: Public data on homes values often take the " average" value of many sales. Such method does not take in consideration the condition of each house and the general appeal of the floor plan.
Wall Street Appraisal
Answer: True
Explanation: Appraisal home values are based on available sales information and market trends. Researching the most recent sales considered comparable is the best indication of a homes values. Although various internet sites provide home values they do not take into consideration variables such as overall condition and cosmetic appeal. However it is important to remember that appraiser's provide an opinion of what a home may be worth to a perspective buyer.
Solid Impressions Appraisals
Answer: False
Explanation: When researching for comparable sales to utilize -we considered such factors as the comparables' relative proximity to the subject property, recentness of sale and overall similarity to the subject property, in order to reconcile to the final estimate of the value of the subject property by the Sales Comparison Approach. The Sales Comparison Approach typically reflects the actions of knowledgeable buyers and sellers in a market are however there are other approaches to value that may be appropriate to consider.
Cascone Appraisals LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Self due diligence is the first step
Real Estate Solutions
Answer: True
Explanation: Just be sure your research uses "comparable" not just "alternative" properties. Also make sure to adjust for any functional utility differences that would be noticed by potential buyers.
Fast Appraisals
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: The question is what is a comparable home? This is not such an easy question in Los Angeles. There are many factors that an Appraiser looks at besides homes that look just like yours. Sometimes the home you are thinking looks like yours have been improved way beyond typical improvements, or maybe your home was rebuilt and the homes in the area are original. These are all things a well trained certified residential appraiser looks at, in a addition to 20 plus other factors. If you need a rough idea for a sales transaction, divorce settlement, asset division situation you are better off hiring an appraiser than making a guess.
Pamela Evans
Answer: True
Explanation: The best way to know what your house is worth is to look at comparable sales around the area. Find out what houses are selling for around your neighborhood, also look at past sales and current listings.
Bay Home Relief - House Buyers
Answer: True
Explanation: When meeting with Sellers, I will provide them with listings of comparable homes that have sold within the last few months, within the closest proximity to theirs. This will give them the most accurate reflection of the current market conditions and home values to assist in determining the fair market value of their home. An over priced home will not sell and by the time you reduce the price to catch to the market, potential buyers have moved on and possibly bought another home. If the buyer is working with a competent agent, that agent will also run a list of comparable homes to support the buyer's offer price.
Real Living Kee Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: That's how appraisers do it. They use comparable sales from the last 6 months.
Susie Bigelow - Premier Realty Group
Answer: True
Explanation: yes
Answer: True
Explanation: I like to do comps on a home that a buyer is interested in or the sellers' home, to see if the asking price is accurate.
Hudson Real Estate
Answer: False
Explanation: Until you have the opportunity to actually tour a home thoroughly comparisons with tax records, square feet etc. are not reliable.
EXP Realty LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Researching your own comparable sales is a good place to start. However, knowing which homes are truly comparable to yours and which are not is something that a professional appraiser or highly skilled local realtor would be best equipped to handle.
Residential Appraisal Associates
Answer: True
Explanation: It is one way to come up with the price to sell your home
Hometown realty
Answer: True
Explanation: Its a good way to know what's happening to home prices where you're located.
Ron Rodgers- Ryan Real Estate
Answer: True
Explanation: It can be true but a lot of research and understanding into what makes a good comparable sale. For instance I just filed a rebuttal and won against a licensed appraiser who was more concerned with a model match than relevance. The model matches were over a year old while sales prices increased over 10% in that time. The current no model matches were more appropriate comparable.
KF Home Sales @ Quality First Real Estate Group
Answer: True
Explanation: Recent sales of other homes that are similar gives you a good estimate of approximate value. In no way is it an appraisal.
Open Hand Investments LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: similar homes when you refer to comps.
A Q Appraisals
Answer: True
Explanation: Comparative method
João Pelayo
Answer: True
Explanation: Don't forget to look at the pictures and ask yourselves Is our home better or worse than this comp? Also make sure the comps are in your same or similar neighborhoods.
RE/MAX Realty Group
Answer: False
Explanation: you could get an idea of what your home is worth on your own, however getting a Comparative Market Analysis from a Realtor is best, as they have more data to choose from.
Your Husband & Wife Real Estate Team with Charles Rutenberg Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: This is a good start, however, your local real estate agents should know more about the comps than the listing information shows and can get you a more in depth analysis of what your home should list for.
Keller Williams
Answer: True
Explanation: There is a good chance that an appraiser will be using the same comparables as your agent does, and is a good indicator of value. Comparables should be within the same neighborhood if possible and be a current sale.
RE/MAX Results
Answer: True
Explanation: Unless you have uncommon home, the best way to find the a rough idea is what similar home to yours in your neighborhood have sold for in the last few months. Please note these are sold homes not active homes om the market these maybe over or under priced.
Home 2 Home Services, Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: No explanation needed! Have your agent provide you with the comps!
Rodeo Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: When buying a home you must research the value and title so that you know your looking at a clean deal and that the value is what you paying for. So be sure it's the actual value not inflated value.
Buyers Sellers Network
Answer: True
Explanation: This can sometimes be true for single family houses, in areas where the houses are very similar, and price ranges are narrow. However, the comparable sales available in on-line services are not comprehensive. Many sales that have taken place do not show up, and the information about the sales is limited, so that a proper comparison analysis may not be possible. For property types other than single family dwellings, there is a lot more involved than comparing comparable sales, so, I would not recommend it as a reliable way to determine a rough value range.
Todd G. LiPira, SCGREA
Answer: True
Explanation: This is referred to as a comparable approach which is the preferred method used in establishing value for single family residences. This method allows you to compare homes that have sold in the most recent past,typically six months, and are like-kinds and provide the purchasing price buyers were willing to pay during a specific time period.
Answer: True
Explanation: Because that is the appraisors use as well to determain your home value.
Re/Max Elite Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: It is not an exact science but the market approach does give a good comparable.
Askew Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: Comps is what the appraiser is going to use as well in order to find your value. You don't want to have a low appraisal because you are over priced.
Cutler Real Estate
Answer: True
Explanation: I am certified as a PSA--- Pricing Strategy Advisor. I am able to compile Comparative Market Reports to mirror Appraisers which assists greatly in pricing listings for my Sellers and Buyers
Prudential Florida Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: Although it is not an appraisal it is the most likely average dollar amount you will get for your home...the market never lies...
Coldwell Banker
Answer: True
Explanation: Texas is a non-disclosure state, so the information on sales prices may not be readily available to all. Asking a Realtor is the safest bet.
Re/MAX Southwest - The Jackson Group
Answer: True
Explanation: Yes, I always do comps on homes for both my Sellers and my Buyers.
EA Realty LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: OMG --- Your conclusion is only as good as the skills and experience and quality of similar homes you find. Comparable sales have VERY PRECISE definitions. Distance from the subject, Recent "arms length transaction" and about a thousand other variables are significant when it comes to REAL comparables. Engage an expert, or risk looking stupid. Real stupid!
Keller Williams Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: Using the recent sales of comparable homes is a good way to get a ROUGH idea of what a property is worth, but it is not the only factor used when determining the best pricing strategy when selling the home. Of course, an evaluation of a property's current market value is only as good as the sources of information used to come up with this professional market value analysis. There are many factors that go into the estimate of a home's value. We take into consideration the property's condition, the time of the year in which it is being sold, the proximity to all desirable neighborhood features, the taxes on the property, the location, recent sales, projected sales, market trends, neighborhood changes, legislation, status of the economy, and over 50 additional factors when determining the value of a home. #rosarioshalomayevteam #glrosario
Coldwell Banker Kueber, Rosario Shalomayev Team
Answer: True
Explanation: This can give you an idea, however with a comparative market analysis with an agent will be more accurate because active, sold, withdrawn homes are all used to compare.
Coldwell Banker
Answer: True
Explanation: Experience is medicen
LandPro Real Estate, Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: Not only is it good to know the value of the homes comparable in your area but it will save you time and money by aiding in correctly listing your home for sale.
Kea Interiors
Answer: True
Explanation: That is part of the research. Searching the area you are considering to list or buy goes not only by price, the location, size and improvements are also a factor.
Answer: True
Explanation: As a former licensed real estate agent and mortgage originator, competitive market analysis is one tool to establish valuation.
PreConstruction Catalysts Inc
Answer: True
Explanation: You have to be sure the comps are truly comps. A REALTOR in your neighborhood would be a better source of comps than a website whose data is outdated before it ever gets posted.
S & S Southwestern Management
Answer: True
Explanation: How else do you know what your home is worth?
Lindhaven Properties, LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: The local comparables are usually a great indication of the local market conditions.
Keller Williams Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: Most recent comps will give you an idea of what the home value is.
REMAX White House
Answer: True
Explanation: Once a home has closed in your track that is the most current comp for your area. Usually comps are only good for 6 months to be accurate and you always want to make sure it is a similar match. (room count, square footage, bath, etc)
Realty One Group
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Your real estate agent has access to sales data and will run the competitive market analysis for the seller.
Craig Hall/Keller Williams Realty
Answer: True
Explanation: The only way to know is with comps, sold listings are a strong indicator for pricing to sell in current market conditions.
Coldwell Banker Reliable Real Estate
Answer: True
Explanation: It never hurts to research comp sales.
Sacramento Valley Appraisal
Answer: False
Explanation: We are experts at home evaluations, there is no easy answer to this question.
RFG Equities, Inc.
Answer: True
Explanation: This is true, but it is best to hire a real estate agent so you get the real info - don't trust online sites.
John L. Scott Olympia
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: it all depends
Corryn Appraisal Services
Answer: True
Explanation: I am a licensed REALTOR in addition to a licensed home builder/remodeler in my state so I am highly unique in this industry and have exclusive access to vital real time data in a quick and easy process for me to provide to my customers. My qualifications give me the abilities to provide extremely above average service and intelligent reports to my customers that no other competitor in my area could come close too. I have worked hard to corner all these industry resources and organization memberships though as part of my plan to give my customers more than anyone else.
Icon Homes LLC
Answer: True
Explanation: Comps are the best way to determine home values.
Fortius Consulting
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